
“Pollock is perhaps the most important scholar of American pop music. He also wrote Hipper Than Our Kids, one of the best books about the “boomers” and their generation.” Greg Shaw, Bomp Bookshelf

By The Time We Got To Woodstock is the best primer on our culture’s history and psychology precipitating Woodstock to date and is mandatory reading for anyone wanting to rip through the hippie veils shrouding that year’s biggest musical event –THE HUFFINGTON POST

Panoramic and focused, scholarly yet streetwise, Pollock’s book succeeds on the depth of its author’s knowledge of the history of a seismic year in pop culture, and the energy of his perspective, effectively lashing the strands of this fractious era together. (POP MATTERS)

“With wit and passion (The Rock Song Index) gives shape to the ethereal mess of pop music that’s trapped inside all our heads.” (Neal Pollack, author of Never Mind the Pollacks)

“Working Musicians is a marvelous, compulsively readable book—not only an invaluable resource (and an instant education) for any aspiring musician, but also a treasure trove of good reading and new insights and perspectives for any music lover. Few books about music come so close to the truth about how it really comes into existence.” Paul Williams founder of Crawdaddy.